Micro Site to Enhance Your Bussiness With Hosting and Url (Super Low Promotion Price Only)
Hafidz 51 @ CodeJer
Mon 21/Nov/2016 9:51am [Last Comment]
Hafidz 51 @ CodeJer
Mon 21/Nov/2016 9:51am [Last Comment]
Micro Site to enhance your bussiness with hosting and url (super low promotion price only)
Existing system build for customer:-
1) Cadar/Blanket/karpet odering system with out calculate of various discount type.
2) ERP (salary (kwsp-socso-YTD calculation) /attendance/leave system)
3) Document Management System for local uni
4) Manufacturing Lot and process tracking system untuk semiconductor
5) Dan banyak lagi..
OR Jika anda ada idea untuk sistemkan busines ada? hubungi kami.
Kami akan buat protype pantas untuk anda realisasikan idea anda. InsyAllah
Harga boleh runding agar tidak membebankan.
whatsap codejer 010-340-9210 untuk maklumat lajut.
Niche: Web Design Malaysia
Existing system build for customer:-
1) Cadar/Blanket/karpet odering system with out calculate of various discount type.
2) ERP (salary (kwsp-socso-YTD calculation) /attendance/leave system)
3) Document Management System for local uni
4) Manufacturing Lot and process tracking system untuk semiconductor
5) Dan banyak lagi..
OR Jika anda ada idea untuk sistemkan busines ada? hubungi kami.
Kami akan buat protype pantas untuk anda realisasikan idea anda. InsyAllah
Harga boleh runding agar tidak membebankan.
whatsap codejer 010-340-9210 untuk maklumat lajut.
Niche: Web Design Malaysia
1. Hafidz 51 - Fri 10/Mar/2017, 10:44am
Kami boleh bantu anda buat system untuk perniagaan anda :-
-Online Store.
-Online Payment.
-Custom Made System.
-Factory System
-Masjid Web + Anak Qaryah + Infaq Online
-Any kind of programming job.
-Wordpress/OpenCart + payment gateway
Super Good Support + Super Low Price
WhatsApp 010-340-9210 .. kita bincang … bagi jadi …
Kami boleh bantu anda buat system untuk perniagaan anda :-
-Online Store.
-Online Payment.
-Custom Made System.
-Factory System
-Masjid Web + Anak Qaryah + Infaq Online
-Any kind of programming job.
-Wordpress/OpenCart + payment gateway
Super Good Support + Super Low Price
WhatsApp 010-340-9210 .. kita bincang … bagi jadi …
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