Mus 142 - Fri 23/Nov/2012 12:56pm [Last Comment]
nak cari kereta avanza...brpe deposit and berape bulan2...dan lokasi dimana...detail please....klu ade bleh email kat or contact 013-3210824(mus)

Niche: Kereta Terpakai
1. Azlan 254 - Fri 23/Nov/2012, 12:58pm
lokasi ipoh,used car,call azlan 0195028797  
2. Mus 142 - Fri 23/Nov/2012, 1:05pm
semua kete ade ke...avanza brpe deposit....btol bndar ipoh?  
3. Zairi 19 - Sat 24/Nov/2012, 7:28am
Ade avanza sebiji area bangi sila call saya 0189821326. Kete lain pun ade gak kalau nak  
4. Sheila 27 - Sat 24/Nov/2012, 3:12pm
avanza, x perlu deposit 1 sen pun, blnan 470. jb  
5. Mus 142 - Sat 24/Nov/2012, 9:41pm
sheila....jb area mane...ok gak 2....nme leh tkar trus....bpe thun agie tnggal...n thun bpe kete 2?  
6. Sheila 27 - Mon 26/Nov/2012, 11:58am
area plentong.mmg tukar trus, loan bank,  
7. Shah7 7 2 - Tue 27/Nov/2012, 11:13am
Salam semua,
Kereta 2nd boleh loan max 9thn.Lulus 3hari-Doc ic copy & bil letrik(utk nama b/listed shj).Processing Rm5k shj utk semua jenis kereta.
Shah-019 6588595  
8. Nazieda - Tue 27/Nov/2012, 9:32pm
sheila 27..bagi detail..  
9. Suria 7 - Wed 28/Nov/2012, 12:30pm
sheila 27.... boleh bagi detail  
10. Mus 142 - Tue 25/Dec/2012, 1:57pm
shah7 kelisa ade x...brpe hrga ye...  

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