Mencari Ejen Menjual Pisau Seramik
Shahrizal Bin Mohd Hanafiah @ Kekal Cantik Resources
Wed 6/Nov/2013 1:03pm [Last Comment]

Saya mencari ejen/stokis bagi menjual pisau seramik original. Pendapatan lumayan kerana market masih lagi baru dan kurang saingan dalam pasaran. Saya mencari bagi kawasan utara,pantai timur dan sabah/sarawak. Berminat sila sms 0177782326(shah)

Niche: Perkakas Dapur
1. Mohd Farizal Helmi - Wed 6/Nov/2013, 1:07pm
email detail  
2. Munas - Wed 6/Nov/2013, 4:50pm
Email harga  
3. Shahrizal Bin Mohd Hanafiah - Wed 6/Nov/2013, 5:51pm
Farizal & Munas, dah email dah.Thanks  
4. Iammalaysian1957 - Wed 6/Nov/2013, 11:05pm
Mohon info lanjut >  
5. Maizatul Fadzil - Wed 6/Nov/2013, 11:20pm
Email details.tq  
6. Shahrizal Bin Mohd Hanafiah - Thu 7/Nov/2013, 10:09am
Iammalaysian & Maizatul, dah email.pastikan ada attachment pdf. Sila check. Thanks.  
7. Salmi 10 - Wed 13/Nov/2013, 2:02pm detail ke  
8. Shahrizal Bin Mohd Hanafiah - Thu 14/Nov/2013, 8:00pm
salmi,dh email.thanks.  
9. Ct 22 - Tue 3/Dec/2013, 11:37am
emel sy  
10. Aisyah 13 - Tue 3/Dec/2013, 12:18pm
email to  
11. Beautyumairah - Mon 16/Dec/2013, 9:55am
sila beri detail ke  
12. Mohd Shahidan Mohamad Fauzi - Wed 29/Jan/2014, 9:51pm
email detail pada saya
Lokasi kedai/gudang tuan?  
13. Nadaazmin - Fri 31/Jan/2014, 6:26pm
Salam. Boleh email detail?
14. Siti 468 - Sat 15/Mar/2014, 3:45pm
salam..boleh bg detail serta gambar..  
15. Haza 3 - Mon 28/Apr/2014, 8:41am
salam..boleh bg detail serta gambar.  
16. Khai 57 - Fri 2/May/2014, 11:12am
salam..boleh bg detail serta gambar.  

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