Memerlukan 10-20 Orang Lelaki untuk Hantar Flyer Area Port Dickson/Lukut/Melaka.
Wmt @ Wang Maju Trading
Sat 1/Nov/2014 5:49pm [Last Comment]
kerja relax dgn mesra

umur 15-30

sila dial num atau whatsapp jika berminat...

016-3649858 (JACK)

Niche: Kerja Kosong | Servis Pengedaran Risalah | Jobs & Vacancies in Malaysia
1. Ayup Teraweh - Sat 1/Nov/2014, 7:49pm
Pm saya....  
2. Wmt - Sun 2/Nov/2014, 12:22pm
pm apa kawan??ada berminat sila whatapp/wechat/call diterima sekian terima kasih banyak2

3. Wmt - Wed 5/Nov/2014, 9:29pm
pm apa kawan??ada berminat sila whatapp/wechat/call diterima sekian terima kasih banyak2

4. Rul 17 - Thu 30/Jul/2015, 9:04pm
gaji berape?  
5. Radmal Bin Abdul Ollong - Mon 6/Apr/2020, 7:55pm
Sy nak keja cam mn nak daftar  

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