Mencari Tukang Jahit Shawl Secara Pukal
Omella - Fri 30/May/2014 12:03pm [Last Comment]
As Salam,

Saya ingin mencari tukang jahit shawl yg boleh menjahit secara pukal.
Boleh komen ya '_'


Thanks All

Niche: Kedai Jahit
1. Kakpah 4 - Fri 30/May/2014, 1:38pm
Ya '_'

013 6237094  
2. Iera 106 - Fri 30/May/2014, 4:27pm
wassup 012-2901536...
sy menerima tempahan utk jahit shawl...  
3. Farhah 10 - Sat 31/May/2014, 1:24pm
Rm3 shj.. 0124026695  
4. Cutesara - Mon 2/Jun/2014, 1:28pm
Ya '_'
5. Lisa 162 - Mon 2/Jun/2014, 5:47pm
lisa .. menerima untuk tempahan jahit shawl  
6. Khaslinda Mohd Said - Tue 3/Jun/2014, 12:09am
wht up sy 0123719885  
7. Shinny - Wed 4/Jun/2014, 12:54am
call i - 0162960694  
8. Alin Binti Harun 2 - Sat 7/Jun/2014, 2:31am
Call sya hrga bole krg klu wat dlm kuantiti yg bnyk 0168246593  
9. Carl82 - Tue 17/Jun/2014, 12:40am
Daerah mne ya??sy jb..harga bole dirunding..lg bnyak lg murah..
10. Siti Aisyah 25 - Fri 20/Jun/2014, 11:42pm
11. Anis Sofia - Mon 7/Jul/2014, 6:50pm
salam..saya mencari tukang jahit tepi & potong shawl area ampang,cheras,sg.besi,wangsamaju, keramat,setiawangsa kalo ada bleh pm watsapp ke 018-3287513 atau email kan harga & location ke tq!  
12. Rosaini 2 - Sat 24/Oct/2015, 10:48pm
Saya jahit shawl pukal..area puchong, bole wasap saya di 0177821257  

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