Taufiq 8

Forum NickTaufiq 8
RegisteredSun 26/Feb/2012, 7:58pm
Topics by Taufiq
Comments by Taufiq
1Jual Perfume 100% Original, in Box, Tester Welcome to Perfume Lovers - Sun 26/Feb/2012 8:54pm
to:amir asraf 2 kali beli botol gred AAA dalam satu bulan bersamaan beli satu perfume original dalam satu bulan = harga sama atau ori murah sikit. Membazir ja beli imitation. to zehan 2: please email me the products details. tfiq1985@yahoo.com TQ
2Business Branded Perfume 100% Original - Sun 26/Feb/2012 8:48pm
saya berminat untuk menjual.. email saye k tfiq1985@yahoo.com
3Perfume Malaysia - Wholesale Promotion - Sun 26/Feb/2012 8:45pm
please bg infor ttg harga borong...nk jual perfume gak tfiq1985@yahoo.com
4Perfume Malaysia - Wholesale Promotion - Sun 26/Feb/2012 8:12pm
wow..! cantik idea ni..boleh bg maklumat? tfiq1985@yahoo.com