
Forum NickOne
RegisteredMon 7/Sep/2009, 1:24am
Topics by One
Comments by One
1Mcm Mana Nak Buka Mc^d? - Sun 20/Sep/2009 12:35am
the cost is about 1.5-3 million, but 3 million of u plan to open a 'stand alone' mcd, meaning on a seperate location by itself, complete with driverthru..... y dont u start at a shopping mall, a good mall that is..... expensive because of the drive thru
2Mcm Mana Nak Buka Mc^d? - Sun 20/Sep/2009 12:31am
Large initial capital, however it very rewarding. TOtal from 1.5-3 million, but not necessarily you have to have the total cash at one go. Under contract u should at least have 30% initial capital, in which not just pure cash, but (if u r willing 2 take risk) total assets liable up to 30%. But with govt help, u can reduce it only to about 20%, in which the other 20% will be under 'equity sharing' by the govt agency, e.g PNS. I really urge u 2 go to their talk. Very beneficial. I am unable to apply 4 mcd, as I've already bargained 4 Kenny.... sort of their rival. But really, with good location, mcd is good buy