Nurhafifi Bin Ridzuan Radin

Forum NickNurhafifi Bin Ridzuan Radin
RegisteredMon 27/Jan/2014, 2:42pm
Topics by Nurhafifi Bin Ridzuan Radin
Comments by Nurhafifi Bin Ridzuan Radin
1Mencari Tempat Latihan Industri Urgent - Mon 27/Jan/2014 2:58pm
I'm a final year student in Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan University College. I'm taking Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Entrepreneurship & Development. I'm looking for an internship in order to complete my studies. My internship will be started on February 2014 until April 2014 which is 3 Months. I hope my application will be under your kind consideration. Please contact me through my number 018-3222691 (Hafifi) and my email is Thank You.