
Forum NickDezleana
RegisteredWed 13/Oct/2010, 2:25pm
Topics by Dezleana
Comments by Dezleana
1Printing Termurah, di Jamin! - Wed 13/Oct/2010 3:30pm
Rhetoric Signature, i would like to order 150 banners. i will email you the descriptions of the banner. tq.
2Printing Termurah, di Jamin! - Wed 13/Oct/2010 2:41pm
muri takahashi: yg banner and bunting 80sen tuh brape dpi ye? sbb 600 dpi for rm 1.50 tuh la yg paling murah penah saya dgr.. saya ingat nk buat dlm 150 banners. if u have better offer, i'll consider..