Alfa 8

Forum NickAlfa 8
RegisteredMon 2/Dec/2013, 10:06pm
Topics by Alfa
1Ramping dan Menawan - Tue 24/Dec/2013 2:52pm
Comments by Alfa
1Produk dan Kesihatan - Fri 10/Jan/2014 12:45pm
Keputihan abnormal dan banyak selepas bersalin menyebabkan kegatalan. Selepas melahirkan anak ke-3 pada 2004, badan saya menjadi sangat lemah dan sering mengalami masalah sakit haid dan keputihan. Keputihan yang abnormal dan banyak menyebabkan bahagian kemaluan saya gatal dan amat tidak selesa. Keadaan ini akan bertambah teruk sebelum haid. Saya akan demam panas dan sakit belakang. Saya telah berjumpa dengan ramai doktor dan mencuba pelbagai jenis produk. Pada 2008, setelah disyorkan oleh upline, saya mula minum 2 botol LD Venus setiap hari. Selepas 3 hari sahaja, saya sudah dapat merasakan perubahan. 1 bulan kemudian, masalah sakit haid dan keputihan sudah beransur pulih. Kini, saya dan suami dapat menikmati bulan madu sekali lagi. Halimah Bte Maskom,32 LD-Venus diformulasikan menggunakan formula herba bergred tinggi, yang sangat baik untuk merawat penyakit-penyakit rahim dan permasalahan wanita masakini. Juga amat mujarab bagi para isteri yang sukar mengandung setelah lama mendirikan rumah tangga. Herba yang digunakan seperti Dang Gui, Dang Shen, Dan Shen, Bai jiang Cao, Yi Mu Cao dan Huang Qi, membantu mengawal atur kitaran haid, memperkaya darah, membantu dalam pemulihan selepas bersalin dan menawarkan kelegaan kepada wanita yang mengalami menopaus. InsyaAllah herba tersebut halal dan boleh diambil oleh orang islam. Amat berkesan bagi wanita yang menderita penyakit senggugut, keputihan, prolapse rahim, kitaran haid tidak teratur dan sebagainya.Kesan pengambilan LD Venus dapat dilihat dalam masa seminggu dimana kita akan merasa perubahan yang nyata pada diri kita. LD-Venus dipek dalam botol kecil dan tidak memerlukan persediaan atau dididihkan. Ia disijilkan halal dan tidak mengandungi hormon, bahan kimia atau ramua tiruan. email
2Business Produk Kesihatan untuk Dijual (Kiosk) - Sun 5/Jan/2014 10:18am
Description A woman's internal body chemistry evolves as she ages - resulting in a vareity of issues from irregular menses to infertility, premature white hair, mood swings and premature aging. Have you ever encountered problems like... Dull complexion Poor memory Easily agitated and hot tempered Insomnia Gaining weight despite eating less Dissatisfied with own body shape loss of self-confidence All these issue maybe related to Female Physiological* Symptoms! *Physiology refers to bodily functions, including physical and emotion aspects. Women of different ages experience different physiological symptoms. Generally, women undergo 3 stages of physiological symptoms during their lifetime. Puberty At this stage, hormone secretion reaches its peak level. Females start to develop breast and experience menstruation. Maturity At this level, hormone secretion begins to decrease resulting in menstrual pain and irregular menstruation. Women may also experience prolapsed uterus, vaginal dryness, enlarged / loose vagina and less interest in sexual activities etc. Menopausal* Hormone secretion begins to diminish or even cease altogether. Pre-menopause stage: Hot flushes, night sweat, emotional instability, hot temper, depression, insomnia, forgetfulness, etc Mid term stage: Dry skin, wrinkles, vaginal dryness, thinning of vaginal membrane due to shrinkage, vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina), etc Advanced stage: High cholesterol, osteoporosis, thinning of the skin, incontinence and other ageing symptoms. *Menopause may start in a woman's 30s to 60s., Conditions which contribute to female physiological symptoms are: Environmental pollution Overwork and no rest Improper dietary habits Tension and stress Ageing Lack of healthcare knowledge In what ways do women cope with these problems? Keep silent - fear of sharing intimate problems with others Deny the problem Consume medicine indiscriminately Medical intervention such as plastic surgery, injections etc A holistic Solution to improve root cause of female physiological symptoms... Lady Essentials: LD-VENUS & LD-ESTEEM! These essentials for ladies address the human body holistically, relying not on just one but a whole gamut of herbs - where different combinations work synergistically on the endocrine system to aid and alleviate many feminine hormonal issues and restore equilibrium within the body. It was developed based on Traditional Chinese Medicine Philosophy + decades of clinical studies + focus on improving the endocrine/hormonal system. Main Ingredients of LD-VENUS1. Radix Angelicae Sinensis (dang gui) Enriches blood and promotes blood flow, regulates menstruation, reduce menstrual pain, assists uterus to contract 2. Radiz Codonopsis Pilosulae (dang shen) Restores 'qi' (inner energy) deficiency in the spleen & stomach to improve absorption & digestion Increases production of red blood cells & haemoglobin 3. Radix Galviae Miltiorrhizae (dan shen) Helps relieve blood stasis & menstrual pain 4. Herba Patriniae (bai jiang cao) Detoxifies body, reduces heatiness, reduces inflammation, invigorates blood and reduces blood stasis 5. Herba Leonuri (yi mu cao) Promotes blood flow, regulates menstruation, reduces menstrual pain, enriches blood and assists uterus to contract 6. Astragali Seu Hedysari (huang qi) The most efficacious among all herbs in replenishing 'qi'. It is helpful in treating prolapsed organs Main Functions of LD-VENUS Improves skin texture, pigmentation and eye circle Relieves menstrual pain Reduces pregnancy stretch marks Assists to regulate & nourish woman recovering from childbirth Helps reduce menopausal symptoms Main Ingredients of LD-ESTEEM1. Fructus Ligustri Lucidi (nu zhen zi) Nourishes 'yin', enhances and invigorates kidney and liver 2. Semen Vaccariae Segetalis (wang bu liu xing) Invigorates blood, promotes menstruation, enhances lactation (the secretion of milk),relieves pain and reduces swelling 3. Radix Astragali Seu Hedysari (huang qi) The most efficacious among all herbs in replenashing inner energy (qi). It is helpful in treating prolapsed organs 4. Radix Glycyrrhizae Glabra (gan cao) Detoxifies body, reduces heatiness & help treat inflammation of mammary glands 5. Honey Generally used to relieve constipation and smoothen bowel movement Main Functions of LD-ESTEEM Nourishing liver and kidneys** and strengthening their functions Stimulating the ovaries and mammary glands Increasing blood circulation in the breasts Providing nutrients to breasts Speeding up regeneration of fibrous tissues in the breasts Enhancing breast development Improving pigmentation problems thus making skin fairer and its tone more even LD-ESTEEM & LD-VENUS has:- No known side effects No hormone added No chemicals No artificial ingredients No boiling required Email me
3Pemborong Produk Kecantikan dan Kesihatan - Mon 23/Dec/2013 8:08pm
Sy ade bekalkan produk El Marino Blanc..berminat emel