Taqi 4

Forum NickTaqi 4
RegisteredWed 27/Jun/2012, 2:03pm
Topics by Taqi
Comments by Taqi
1Perlukan Pembantu Rumah Asal Jawa Indon - Wed 18/Jul/2012 4:03pm
salam, berhati hati dengan agent maid email bernama sitikomariah@ymail.com & suaminya bernama Robi imron rosydi.. diorang punye detail as follow ; Robby imron rosyadi Desa Rt07 RW02,Kelurahan Babakan Sari, Kecamatan Kiaracondong Kota Bandung, 40283 Indonesia 6281312523977 Siti Komariah - Ini konon2 bini dia la, tapi haram Hp x penah nak angkat. Id : 1050104310833015 Account western union my husband No id:3273162703870002 Nama:robby alamat:jl desa rt07 rw02 kelurahan babakan sari kecamatan kiaracondong kota :bandung provinsi:jawa barat post code:40283 no tel diorang +6281312523977 +62085759832232 modus operandi, 1. They will email all the available maid with details, pic etc. 2. Once we agreed on certain maid, they will keep on pushing for deposit which normally around RM1500 - RM2000. They will agree that full payment once maid received. 3. If you pay the deposit, they will inform that passport med checkup ready and ready to deliver the maid. 4. During the "delivery period", they will keep sms you mentioning all sort of problem they are facing - problem that need money as solution. This is a trapped! contoh problem, x ckup duit nak dok hotel, pegawai kastam minta rasuah, tade duit makan, sume pelabagai masalah akn dia highlight.. You must be firmed here & refer to the early agreement. Thats the end of it. You refuse to pay the money they requested, they will never send the maid as promised! I dah kena and i dont want all my fellow Malaysian senasib dgn i. I ada IC komariah (xtau betol ke x)..kalo korang nak tengok.. email to taqiu_ee@yahoo.com sekian.
2Pembantu Rumah Direct Dari Indon, Penghantaran Dalam Masa 10-14 Hari, Cuma RM4500 (Sebab Saya Cuma Buat Secara Sambilan Sahaja) - Wed 27/Jun/2012 2:36pm
i dah email you..waiting for yoour reply.
3Station Minyak Untuk Dijual (Highly Profitable) - Wed 27/Jun/2012 2:06pm
Salam harfiez, I have emailed you and waiting for your reply.