Perkhidmatan Servis/Repair Peralatan Dapur Commercial
Jamal Kitchen @ BDE Kitchen
Mon 27/Feb/2017 1:51pm [Last Comment]
Kami menyediakan perkhidmatan membaiki dan servis peralatan dapur komersial seperti chiller, freezer, ice machine, stove, hood dan air ducting sekitar Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor. Di antara customer kami adalah restoran, hotel, asrama, kilang dan agensi kerajaan.
Kami juga menyediakan khidmat installation dapur utk restoran, hotel yg baru di buka.

Commercial kitchen equipment service in KL and Selangor.
We are one stop centre for service, repair and supply of kitchen equipment. We can repair and service chiller, freezer, ice machine, stove, air ducting etc.
We also do kitchen equipment set up and installation for newly opened restaurant, hospital, factory etc.

Please contact us for quotation.


Niche: Perkakas Dapur | Wiring Aircond Plumbing Repair
1. Wan 1559 - Thu 1/Jun/2017, 1:22am
Bagi no phone boss  
2. Syed Zahril - Tue 25/Jul/2017, 8:28am
contact number pls  
3. Juhari Idris - Wed 4/Jul/2018, 9:45pm
Plz call me for kitchen eqpt service..restoren TCusj2 ehsan maju

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